NexusIPE™ Senior Leaders Forum - Program Elements 

Program Elements

This learning community for senior leaders in interprofessional practice and education is a 12-month longitudinal program. A cornerstone of the program is the IPE Leadership Action Project that provides an opportunity for participants to build upon their own experiences while applying new knowledge-based leadership skills for transformative change within their local Nexus of practice and education.  Time will be devoted to supporting participants in advancing their IPE Leadership Action Project during all aspects of the program.

IPE Leadership Action Project

Participants will engage in a mentored leadership project over the course of the program year. The project focus area will be described in the program application, and should address a leadership challenge in the Nexus of interprofessional practice and education at the participant’s home institution. As described in the program application, the participant’s nominator (or other senior leader) must attest that the project is supported by the organization. Participants will use the National Center Interprofessional Information Exchange (NCIIE) and NexusIPE™ Core Data Set to capture real-time data to support a developmental evaluation approach to delivering learning and health outcomes that matter.

Personal Coaching

Each member of the learning community will be assigned an expert coach and will have access to a personal 30 minute coaching call quarterly. The coaching calls are intended to support project implementation and professional development.

Virtual Workshops

Virtual workshops provide an opportunity for the cohort to engage with key concepts, explore tools and resources, and share real-word examples through small group discussion. Each virtual workshop will include facilitated project time to support individuals in advancing their local IPE Leadership Action Project.

Leadership Interviews

Each participant will work with their coach to identify 3-5 senior institutional leaders to interview. Leadership interviews serve to expand the participant’s knowledge and understanding of key priorities for their organization and/or partners, with a goal of expanding their ability to impact positive change and outcomes that matter in the Nexus of practice and education.

In-Person Workshop

The in-person workshop provides an opportunity for the learning community to cultivate and foster professional connections, an important foundation of a supportive learning and professional development community.  The 2.5 day event includes seminars, facilitated project sessions, personal coaching, and networking.

Nexus Summit

Members of the learning community are provided a complimentary registration to the Virtual Nexus Summit. All members will be encouraged to submit their work through the peer reviewed process. The learning community will also be offered an invited session to shape and share with the IPE community.